Onion Compound Shows Promise of Ovarian Cancer Prevention


Onions 1Early studies have indicated the benefits of onions in boosting immunity, regulating blood sugar, reducing the risk of gastric ulcers, as an anti-inflammatory and antibiotics agents. However, a new study has found that a compound found in onions has anti-ovarian cancer effects.

The study published in Scientific Reports and conducted by researchers from Kumamoto University in Japan, revealed that onions are low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

According to the team, a 2014 review from the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the most common type of ovarian cancer. With a 5-year survival rate of approximately 40 percent, effective treatments for the illness are needed.

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Although new cases of EOC ranks 10th among female malignancies, the team says the number of deaths due to this type of ovarian cancer ranks fifth in the United States.

About 80 percent of patients with EOC have a relapse after initial chemotherapy treatment. As such, the researchers looked into the effects that a natural compound in onions – called onionin A, or ONA – has on EOC.

After examining the effects of ONA on a preclinical model of EOC iOnionsn cells, the researchers found that the growth of EOCs slowed down after the team introduced ONA.

The finding which was reported in MedicalNewsToday serves as a pointer for all women to eat more onions and as condiment in other foods in order to keep ovarian cancer at bay.

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